Guide for authors

Before submission


Types of article

Contributions are classified as :

  • Research paper
  • Review article
  • Editorial

Submission checklist

You can use this checklist to perform a final review before submitting your manuscript to the journal for review. Please refer to the relevant sections in Preparation for more detailed information.

Please ensure the following items are complete:
  • Carefully view the "Guide for authors" and the basic requirements of the submssion
  • Provide full content of the manuscript (in .doc/.docx format), including:
    • Abstract and keywords
    • All figures (with relevant captions)
    • All tables (with titles and descriptions)
    • All figures and tables citations in the text match the content; if color is to be used in the printed version, please specify
    • All references mentioned in the Reference list are cited in the text, and vice versa
    • Manuscript has been "spell checked" and "grammar checked
    • Permission has been obtained to use copyrighted materials from other sources (including the internet)
  • Provide the information of corresponding author, including:
    • Full name
    • Email address
    • Affiliation
    • Mailing address (if applicable)

For any inquiries or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Thank you for your interest in Theoretical and Natural Science (tns). Note that submission implies that the content has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of a scientific meeting or symposium.

Once you have prepared your submission in accordance with Guide for authors, please submit your manuscript on the submission page.

Article Length:

It typically does not impose an upper limit on the length of articles. However, articles should not be less than four pages (including references).

Initial Submission:

Submit your manuscript files, which are in .doc/.docx format and editable. Please ensure that all figures are clear and meet printing standards (300 dpi with no watermarks).

Revision Submission:

Editable files should be submitted at this stage. If the article has been formatted by the editorial team, ensure that your revisions do not alter the main formatting of the article, such as page layout, margins, and font size.


Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made substantial contributions should be listed as co-authors.

Where there are others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the paper (e.g. language editing or medical writing), they should be recognised in the "authorship" section before the "acknowledgement" section. Please refer to the Authorship policy for more details.

The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are included on the paper, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.

Authors are expected to consider carefully the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript and provide the definitive list of authors at the time of the original submission. Only in exceptional circumstances will the Editor consider (at their discretion) the addition, deletion or rearrangement of authors after the manuscript has been submitted and the author must clearly flag any such request to the Editor. All authors must agree with any such addition, removal or rearrangement.

Authors take collective responsibility for the work. Each individual author is accountable for ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Declaration of interests

The "declaration of interests" section in an article is not a mandatory part. When the article involves any financial or non-financial competing interests, the corresponding declaration is required. If there are no conflicts of interest to declare, the author can choose not to include this section or simply state, "The author(s) has/have nothing to disclose."

For specific information required in the declaration, please refer to the Declaration of interests.

Language service

We offer a free language service to non-native English-speaking authors who may encounter difficulties with English writing. Upon acceptance of the manuscript, authors are required to register and pay the Article Processing Charge (APC). After confirmation of payment, our professional language editing team will translate and polish the article in English. This process is typically completed within 5 working days. Once completed, we will email the English version of the manuscript to the author for confirmation. If urgent processing is required or if there are any specific considerations during the translation process, please email with details.



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Data Integrity

We strictly prohibit the fabrication or falsification of research data, including the manipulation of images. Manuscripts found in violation will face severe sanctions, reinforcing our commitment to truthful and accurate reporting of research findings.

Duplicate Submission and Redundant publication

Submissions that have been published or are under review elsewhere are not permitted and will face submission or publication sanctions. Authors must fully attribute any previous research, data, graphs, and images used in their submissions to avoid the charge of redundant publication.


EWA Publishing enforces the following sanctions for violations of our copyright and publishing ethics policies:

  • Immediate rejection of the infringing manuscript.
  • Retraction of published manuscripts, in accordance with COPE's retraction guidelines. (COPE 's Retraction guidelines)
  • For serious violations, EWA Publishing reserves the right to impose additional sanctions.
To prevent ethical breaches, all manuscripts undergo a preliminary review with iThenticate, a leading text comparison tool designed to identify and prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism.

Author rights

EWA Publishing guarantees authors the following rights:

  • Retention of patent and trademark rights.
  • Freedom to use their research data without restriction.
  • Proper attribution and credit for their published work.
  • Permission to re-use their material in new works without seeking additional permission or making payment, provided the original work is fully acknowledged.
  • Liberty to use and share their work for scholarly purposes, with full acknowledgment of the original publication.
  • The right to share preprints on any website or repository at any time.
  • The option to share the accepted manuscript on non-commercial sites and the final published article publicly.
  • Retention of copyright, ensuring authors maintain control over their intellectual property.

Open access policy

Please see our information on Open access policy.




The title should not exceed 25 words.


The abstract is limited to 200 words and summarizes the key components of the manuscript, offering the reader a sample of the manuscript. The abstract should be written in third person. No citation should be made for other published work.


Include 3 to 5 primary keywords that best suit the topic of the manuscript.

Main text

Please do not add any headers/footers on each page. Headings are formatted according to level. Do not number the pages of manuscripts.

  • PRIMARY HEADING: Flush left with title-style capitalization, in bold
  • SECONDARY HEADING: Flush left with title-style capitalization. You must have at least two sections beginning with a secondary heading; if there is only one, the heading should be excluded
  • TERTIARY HEADING: Flush left with title-style capitalization, italic. You must have at least two sections beginning with a tertiary heading; if there is only one, the heading should be excluded
  • FOURTH-LEVEL HEADING: It is not suggested to use fourth-level heading, unless it is necessary


Please ensure that the content in the tables is not duplicated in the main text. Tables are typically used to present data or elaborate on information. Each table should have a title or captions with the ordered number.


  • Please ensure that images are sufficiently clear
  • Images should not contain watermarks or other copyright information
  • Each figure should have a caption and a number. If it is a group of images, please label each image separately underneath and provide an explanation of the labeling in the caption of the figure

Mathematical notations

Equations should be centered on the page. If equations are numbered, type the number in parentheses flush with the right margin. Using Equation Editor properly, please avoid using it for simple in-line mathematical copy, symbols, and equations. Type these in Word instead, using the "Symbol" function when necessary.


Footnotes should be used sparingly. Most articles have no more than 10 footnotes, and they should not exceed 40 words in length.


  • Manuscripts must include sufficient references for supporting the content
  • All references listed in the reference list should be cited in text with corresponding numbers, e.g., [number], and vice versa
  • The reference list should be arranged in the order of appearance in the text
  • American Psychological Association (APA) 7the edtion is highly recommended


If in-text appendices are provided, they appear after the main text. Multiple appendices are labeled with letters (Appendix A, Appendix B). A single appendix is labeled without letters (Appendix). Multiple appendices must be numbered in the order in which they are to appear.


Please format your manuscript according to Formatting guidance for authors.doc. If you need the template to exactly format your manuscript or have any questions about article format, please contact us via Here is a brief guidance on formatting the manuscript:

Font size

  • Times New Roman with a size of 10pt in main text are highly recommended
  • The title of the article should be in Times New Roman, bold and 18pt in size
  • First-level heading should be in Times New Roman, bold and 12pt in size
  • Second-level heading should be in Times New Roman and 11pt in size
  • Third-level heading should be in Times New Roman, italic and 10pt in size
  • Fourth-level heading should be in Times New Roman, italic and 10pt in size
  • References should be in Times New Roman and 9pt in size, recommanded to use APA format

Page setting

  • Please set the page size of the article to US Letter
  • The page orientation is portrait
  • Margins: top 2cm, bottom 1.4cm, left 1.67cm, right 1.67cm
  • Please do not set headers, footers, and page numbers

Paragraph and line spacing

The full text needs to be single-spaced with no space before/after paragraph
Section titles are spaced 6pt apart both before and after paragraph
Text should be justified to both margins

Figures and tables

  • It is recommended to use embedded figures. For composite figures, tables can be used to arrange the images, and borders can be removed
  • Tables should not be images (especially screenshot). All tables should use the three-line format. Text within tables should be formatted the same as in the main text


Before you proceed with submitting your manuscript, please ensure that you have thoroughly read the entire “Guide for Authors” and have made all necessary preparations. If you confirm that everything is in order, please click the “Submit your article” button to proceed to the submission page, where you can upload your files and provide detailed information.

Upon receiving your manuscript, we will provide feedback via email, which will include a link to check the status of your manuscript review. Please carefully check your email.

If you confirm that everything is in order, please submit your final manuscript by sending an email to

After acceptance

Article Processing Charge (APC)

Theoretical and Natural Science (tns) is an international open access journal. All of our articles are published under a Creative Commons (CC BY) license, meaning all articles published in tns can be freely read, downloaded, cited and distributed on the journal website. EWA Publishing ensures that no university library or individual needs to pay a fee to obtain access to articles in this journal, so tns does not receive any revenue from the publication of articles.

In order to provide free access to readers, and to cover the costs of peer-review administration and management, copyediting, typesetting, long-term archiving, journal management, and dissemination of published papers in various venues, in addition to other publishing functions, a one-time Article Processing Charge (APC) of 450 USD (US Dollars) applies to papers accepted after peer-review, excluding taxes. Local VAT or Sales Tax may be charged in addition to the price shown where required by law. The amount of tax charged will be calculated at the point of sale and identified separately. Authors from Switzerland will have the local Value Added Tax (VAT) added to their invoices. Japan residents will have the Japanese Consumption Tax (JCT) added to their invoices at the rate set by the Japanese government.

And no fee will be charged before the manuscript is accepted, such as editorial processing charge, submission fee, page fee, etc.

In addition, there are no charges for rejected articles, no submission charges, and no surcharges based on the length of an article, figures or supplementary data. Some items (Editorials, Corrections, Addendums, Retractions, Comments, etc.) are published free of charge.


EWA Publishing currently supports the following payment methods:

  • Wire Transfer in Euros (EUR)
  • Wire Transfer in US Dollars (USD)
  • Wire Transfer in China Yuan (CNY)
  • Payment with Credit Card
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For more detailed information on how to pay an invoice, please contact us.
Invoices are emailed shortly after acceptance to the payment contact provided by the authors. Only official invoices issued by EWA Publishing ( are valid. We do not authorize any third party to collect the APCs. EWA Publishing is the sole service provider and cannot be held liable for actions by third parties.

Electronic Rights Authorization Agreement

Before registeration and paying the Article Processing Charge (APC), we require you to carefully read the 'Electronic Rights Authorization Agreement.' All authors of the manuscript should be aware of the entire contents of this agreement. Once checked, we assume that all authors agree to and have no objections to this agreement by default. If you would like to review the contents of this agreement in advance, please refer to the Electronic Rights Authorization Agreement.pdf.

  • This agreement aims to ensure that the subsequent publication and database indexing of the article comply with the policies and laws of relevant countries and regions and does not involve commercial interests or the transfer of intellectual property rights
  • Authors have the right to refuse to sign this agreement, and EWA Publishing will not publish the article if the authors refuse to sign it
  • Authors have the right to understand the details of this agreement or raise questions about its content. If you have any questions regarding the agreement, please email for assistance

Correction and retraction

Correction before publication

It is the responsibility of the author(s) to carefully review the entire manuscript before submission. Minor adjustments to the content or important information* will be allowed BEFORE the official publication of the article. For inquiries regarding any corrections, please contact us via and provide the following essential information:

  • Author(s) Name
  • Article Title
  • Paper ID (if knows)
  • Revised article (in both .docx and .pdf formats) with highlighted areas of corrected content
*Important information typically includes the spelling of author's name(s), author affiliation information, declarations or statements, funding details, etc.

Correction after publication

All author(s) should be aware that requests for correction of any items will not be accepted AFTER the article has been officially published.


tns attaches great importance to the regulation of academic activities and the completeness of academic achievement records, and tries its best to ensure that academic papers maintain a traceable and unchanging historical record after publication. If the author requests a retraction after paying the article processing charge, a refund can be issued within 15 days after payment and before the article is published. (If the article is published within 15 days after payment, then a refund will not be possible.)

  • 1.State the problem
  • 2.Correction (error in typography or error in content)
  • 3.Cancellation
  • 4.Remove
The above measures are all aimed at correcting the article and alerting the reader, not punishing the author. The editors of the journal have the responsibility to supervise and review any irregularities in the articles published by the journal, whether intentional or unintentional, and the review process should involve the participation of authors and reviewers. Editors will follow the publisher's retraction guidelines and other accepted academic principles to choose the best way to deal with the problem.

If action is requested by the author on his own initiative, the author will not be required to pay additional fees for it. If the action taken (such as retraction) is not initiated by the author, or is only a unilateral action by the author before the two parties reach an agreement, the publisher is not required to compensate the author for economic losses, and the article layout fee will not be refunded to the author.

All the author(s) must unanimously agree to approve the retraction of a published article. The retraction process is completely irreversible and permanent. Once the agreement has been executed, authors may not reverse the retraction. A retraction statement will be prominently displayed on the publication website.

Please note that retraction means that the article is maintained on the platform, watermarked "retracted" and the explanation for the retraction is provided in a note linked to the watermarked article. No refunds will be issued. The retraction process takes approximately two weeks to complete.

If you wish to apply for retraction, please attach the Retraction Agreement bearing the hand-written signatures of all authors and submit the application via email to