FAQs for organisers

I want a quote. What information do I need to provide?

Complete our quote request to tell us about your event and the proceedings services you are interested in. We will review your conference details, and we might ask you some additional questions. We will write to you to confirm whether we can offer a proposal for your proceedings.

Will your quotes suggest alternatives?

Yes, absolutely. We look carefully at every Proceedings Questionnaire. If your proposed or initial requirements seem expensive, we will write to you with options to reduce your costs. We try to find solutions that enable editors to create proceedings for their community within the confines of their conference budget.

I need a quote, but I'm not sure how many people will attend?

We understand the challenges of estimating proceedings requirements in advance of your event and are happy to work with you as your requirements evolve. When completing the Quote Request, you can estimate quantities. You may contact us again later to request additional quotes based on updated information you provide.

If I accept your quote, what happens next?

If you notify us that our proposal and quotation are acceptable, we will prepare a publishing contract for you to sign. The contract summarizes our publishing relationship with you and contains specific details we may have agreed to. It also includes our prices for the proceedings services you have asked us to provide.

If I sign a contract, can I change my requirements?

From the time you sign the contract to the time your conference concludes, it is common for proceedings requirements to change or evolve—especially due to budgetary reasons or large variations in the expected number of participants. We understand these difficulties and strive to be as flexible as we can be to accommodate variations in the services you require.

What factors affect publication time?

Total publication time depends on a number of factors; the most important one is how carefully you prepare the proceedings before you submit them to Theoretical and Natural Science (TNS). We provide editors with comprehensive, easy-to-follow guidelines for how to prepare the proceedings materials. Other factors that affect publication time include the availability of editors to approve the proceedings, the number of manuscripts, and the time of year; the last quarter of the year is our busiest time. However, we will strive to ensure that your proceedings, both online and in print, are released to your community in the minimum time possible.

Is there a maximum article length?

No. Our fees for online publication are completely independent of the number of pages in proceedings articles. We do not impose an upper limit on article page counts. Authors can write as much material as editors wish to review, and we welcome substantial proceedings articles.

Is there a minimum article length?

Yes. We prefer a minimum of 4 pages per paper. Theoretical and Natural Science (TNS) will not publish 1-page abstract-only manuscripts, and we inform the editors of this policy.

Do you expect manuscripts to be peer reviewed?

Yes. We expect proceedings editors to undertake a peer-review process to select which papers will be published in their proceedings. Publication should be based on the merit of the work, not simply because the manuscript was presented at the conference. Please refer to the peer-review policies.

Do proceedings editors get to see proofs?

Yes. We supply the corresponding editor with a single PDF file containing the cover for the printed proceedings, all front matter items, and all articles submitted to us. We will not publish your proceedings, online or in any physical medium, until the corresponding editor gives us formal approval to do so.

Can I make changes at the quality check stage?

Yes, however Editors shall not exceed two rounds of replacement files during the quality check process.

Can I make changes at the proof stage?

We can accommodate changes at proof stage; however, we ask editors to keep their amendments to the minimum number of essential changes. Remember, at the proof stage, we have already completed a considerable amount of work to generate XML data for the online publication. Requests for numerous small changes, which might appear to be minor, may actually result in considerable additional work to regenerate XML data. In addition, we may have to replace PDFs and re-paginate. We ask editors to ensure before submission that all manuscripts are thoroughly reviewed and edited to avoid requesting substantial amendments late in the production process.

Can I make changes after publication?

Changes to articles after they have been published online may only be made under the circumstances outlined below. We place great importance on the authority of articles after they have been published and our policy is based on best practices in the academic publishing community. EWA Publishing works closely with authors to make corrections to published work. However, the Publisher reserves the right to make any and all corrections in order to preserve the scholarly record. Please note that any change requests will only be reflected in the published online version of the conference proceedings article.

  • Missing/incorrect figures and tables
  • Missing/incorrect equations
  • Adding/removing authors
  • Author name changes
  • Missing/incorrect acknowledgments